Solterra Dentistry

Electric Toothbrush Or Manual Toothbrush?

January 13, 2023
3 Min Read
Electric Toothbrush Or Manual Toothbrush?

Two options for your teeth 

Brushing your teeth is the foundation of good oral care and prevention. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), electric and manual toothbrushes effectively remove oral plaque that causes cavities and disease.

There are many opinions on the best way to brush your teeth regarding oral hygiene. Some people swear by manual toothbrushes, while others believe electric ones are the best option. So, which one is better for you? 

Finding the best toothbrush 

Ever since you were little, you were probably told the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day, most notably before bedtime and brushing for at least 2 minutes each time. Today there is such an abundance of dental hygiene products that many people have difficulty deciding which products are best for them. 

So it's natural to worry about which brush will give you the best results. Of course, this can be achieved whether you use a manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush, so is there an advantage to using an electric toothbrush over a manual toothbrush?

Both manual and electric brushes do a good job. Regardless of which meeting you use, it is essential to brush at a 45-degree angle over the gums and use a soft-bristled brush. 

Manual toothbrush versus electric toothbrush

Since the advent of the electric toothbrush - battery-operated devices whose bristles vibrate or rotate rapidly - in the 1960s, there has been debate over whether electric or manual toothbrushes clean teeth better and whether one type is safer than the other for teeth and gums.

Electric and manual toothbrushes each have their advantages. The ADA gives a seal of acceptance to any toothbrush that is safe and effective, electric or manual. 

It is possible to brush your teeth effectively with a manual toothbrush. However, an electric toothbrush can be a great alternative to a manual toothbrush, especially for children, people with disabilities, older adults, and people with arthritis or other conditions that make it difficult to brush well. 

If you decide to use an electric toothbrush, make sure it is comfortable to hold and easy to use. The movement of the bristles of an electric toothbrush can even help you remove more plaque or food from your teeth and improve the health of your gums.

Whether you choose an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush, remember that the most important thing is daily brushing and flossing, which is the most effective measure you can take for oral health.

Modern toothbrushes 

Dental experts point out that each has its pros and cons and that personal preferences and factors such as age and general health can influence which type of brush is right for you.

Modern toothbrushes can do much more than clean teeth and freshen your breath. Some high-quality electric toothbrushes not only time your brushing to ensure you stay clean for the entire 2 minutes but also alert you if pressing the brush against your teeth too hard, which could damage your teeth or gums.

Your dentist may suggest a model with a brush head that rotates in one direction and then the other (oscillating-rotating brush head) or has bristles that vibrate very fast, perfect for preventative dentistry. 

Other features, such as adjustable power levels, timers, and rechargeable batteries, are optional. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on when to replace the brush head to ensure that the brush continues to work effectively.

This helps remove the bacteria that cause plaque, a sticky, dirty film that clings to teeth. Because when plaque builds up, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Benefits of both toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes 

  • Reduced costs
  • Take care of your gums
  • Affordable price 
  • Gets the job done 
  • Accessible and sustainable
  • Manageable

Electric toothbrushes 

  • Easier for people with limited mobility
  • More effective for plaque removal in hard-to-reach areas
  • More concentration during brushing 
  • Improve oral health for people with orthodontic appliances
  • Fun for children
  • Gentle on gums
  • Built-in timer

When to replace your toothbrush

According to the ADA, all toothbrushes should be replaced every three to four months. Replace your toothbrush sooner if it looks worn out or if you used it when you were sick. 

If it is a manual toothbrush, it should be replaced entirely. If it is an electric toothbrush, only the removable brush head may need to be replaced.

Preventative dentistry to choose

Avoiding high-sugar diets and visiting your dentist regularly are two crucial things in preventative dentistry. Still, when it comes to brushing your teeth, the vital thing to remember is that whatever type of toothbrush you use, you should brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes, especially before bedtime.

Good, effective tooth brushing is possible with manual and electric toothbrushes, but electric toothbrushes tend to take the hard work out of good toothbrushing. 

Manual toothbrushes are obviously cheaper than electric toothbrushes, but fortunately, they have become more affordable over the years; plus, you don't have to change the whole brush every three months, as dentists recommend, but only the brush head. 

The only drawback of electric toothbrushes, apart from the cost for some people, is that you have to keep the brush charged, but in the age of electronic devices, such as cell phones and tablets, this is undoubtedly part of everyday life for most.

Still not sure which one to choose? No problem. At Solterra Dentistry, our dental experts are here to help you decide. Visit our website or call us at (602) 788-0730, and our professionals will be happy to discuss what's best for you.

Now that you have all the facts, enjoy finding your favorite toothbrush! Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, just the one that best suits you.

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